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One Reason Church Is So Important To Me

Hey y'all! I don't usually do this around church time, but last week I was messaging a friend on Facebook between our prayer service and communion service. They messaged me first, and the timing was odd, so I asked them straight up why they weren't in church. "Well, I'm out of town" "So?" "Well, I was up late last night upset over a TV show, so I need to just chill". I realized, wow, not everyone feels the same way I do about the life-giving power of worshiping the Lord with reverence each week. I've been thinking about that since and it's on my heart to share a teensy bit why worship, and specifically Lord's Day services, are so important to me.

As Christians, we have the awesome privilege of going to the Lord anytime with our prayers, joys, sorrows, everything. The Lord is our Father, and we are His children. But as members of His Body, we also have the opportunity to come together with the rest of His Body and together worship the Lord. When we gather, the Lord is there, the angels are there, and His means of grace are poured out upon us. Singing hymns and Psalms, hearing the preaching of the Word, and feasting with Him at the table He has prepared are all incredible ways the Lord blesses us! 

Waving to my audience

My friend asked how I was doing. "I feel like I'm going to throw up" I femininely responded. 
"You should chill like me. Sweats and a t-shirt are calling your name."
"Why would I skip what gives me the strength to get through the rest of my week?" 

Asking my friend that convinced me to stick through the pain and stay for the communion service and I could not be more grateful that I did. I have lots of theological/doctrinal reasons for why I believe church is so important, but in this season of life, I am especially appreciating His realness in worship. The Lord always blesses my heart during church. Lately, I've been sobbing through at least one part of the service. Is that silly? I sure hope not. Sometimes its part of the sermon that speaks directly to me, sometimes it's a particularly poignant line of a hymn. That week when I was struggling to even sit up, this line of On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, with the power of the piano, organ, three violins, flute, and cello that were accompanying our singing, struck me at my core and left me with such incredible hope:

His oath, His covenant, and blood
Support me in the whelming flood;

When every earthly prop gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

 His covenant. His promise to me, His child, that I am His. That is my support. It's not about me and what I've done, but it is His blood which supports me in the whelming flood! When the Body of Christ comes together each week to renew covenant with our Lord, I want to be there! Because that is my hope and stay. "Maybe I'll rest this afternoon" I told my friend, "But I'm also really looking forward to our once-a-month hymn sing this evening."

This jumper has become a new favorite of mine. It fits awesome, doesn't need a slip, and is warm enough for chilly mornings, but not too warm for sunny afternoons. :) 
Dress: ThredUP
Sweater: Forever 21: $12
Boots: ThredUP
Purse: Just Fab: $39.99
Beret: Target: $8
Pearl set: Gift

I hope to be back to blogging on-schedule soon! My health has been a roller coaster ride lately (especially the "get me out of here I'm going to be sick" part. ;)) but the Lord was so gracious as to give me a reprieve this past weekend. Next up is a Let's Talk post!

So, why is church so important to you? How has the Lord showed His face to you during worship lately?

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