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Sponsors | Daughter of Destiny Giveaway!

Hey y'all! Are you looking for encouragement today? Let me share a little bit from the "About" page of Caitlin's blog, Daughter of Destiny
Many people in today's culture have forgotten or merely don't know what a Proverbs 31 or Titus 2 woman is, or looks like.
I am blessed to have had and continue to have a wise mother, and grandmother whom have taught me how to be a Daughter of Destiny.
What I mean by a Daughter of Destiny is putting yourself, and your life to have a goal. My parents taught me growing up to put God above anyone or anything, my family next, then friends, and
then me.
My Goal: To Glorify God in everything I do.
In Proverbs 31:30, it says, "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."...this is my goal.

It can be so refreshing to read the thoughts of a woman who has the same goal as we should all have! I hope you'll take the time to visit this blog and read Caitlin's heart on matters that... well, matter! 

Caitlin got engaged last month and I am so happy for her! She posted her courtship story if you're interested in seeing how God brought her together with her fiance. :)

As if Christian encouragement and love stories aren't enough reason to subscribe, Daughter of Destiny is also running a Starbucks gift card giveaway right now! Basically an offer you can't refuse, y'all. ;)

Have a wonderful day! 

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