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Archives // Happy Valentine's Day!

Hey y'all! Since I don't know if I'll have a chance to grab outfit pictures today or not, I'm reposting my Valentine's Day outfit from 2013! 

You can read the original post HERE
This is totally still an outfit I would wear. I think the skirt finally gave out this past summer, but the boots and cardigan still get worn quite often. 

Today we had our traditional homemade coconut-raspberry chocolate donuts and heart-shaped bacon for breakfast. Our grandparents from Colorado arrived last night so we got to share it with them, which was special. :) 
I've been really focused this week on getting skirts hemmed, so that's why it's been a little quiet around here. ;) I think I've spent over 5 hours just organizing and measuring and moving around skirts this week. The logistics are somethin' else! :) I think I'm all set for whipping them out now, though, so that's really good. 

I obviously need to work on my hand hearts.
Cardigan: F21
Tank: F21
Skirt: Penny's
Socks: Target?
Boots: Stein Mart
Pearl set: Christmas gift
You can't tell, but I'm also wearing major glitter on my eyes. Yay for Valentine's Day and pink sparkles!

I hope you all have a wonderful happy Valentine's day! Love you all so. much. :) 

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