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How I Packed | My Purse

Hey y'all! Life has been so awesomely busy for me lately (you may have gathered that from the infrequency of posts)! I'm hoping to get around to an Awk+Awe post this week to catch y'all up on what's been going on-- cow warts to hipster festivals to buying houses and everything in between-- but we'll have to see. Tomorrow I'm headed back to Bristol, TN to see the skirt sample L.C.King has ready for me, so today I needed to clean out my purse and thought I'd share that experience with you.

This is the stuff of life, y'all. ;)

This is my bag. I love it. It's just a simple goes-with-everything cross-body small purse that holds a surprising amount of stuff.  I've taken a picture of what I cleared out of each pocket. First pocket was a Pacifica lip tinta friend gave me and a some change.

 Next pocket I apparently didn't have anything but a little baggie of medicine (Aller-Tec, ibuprofen, Tylenol). I think I usually have like 3 chapsticks in there but I've been accidentally leaving those around the house instead of returning them. :P

 The big top pocket had quite a bit of junk that just accumulates, y'know? Nail clippers, a barrette I've never used, foundation, Burts Bees lip balm, hand cream, a nail file, lip pencil, lipstick, checkbook thing, Starbucks gift cards, my expired passport (thought I might need another form of ID to open a business account last week), receipts, broken jewelry, more change, a big ol' ring, and a Longhorn pin that was my great grandmother's. Why it's still in my purse from last August I have no idea.

 In the back pocket I found a fistful of bobby pins + hair stuff, more change, trash, another lip product, and a pack of gum. I know this has got to be a thrilling blog post so far. ;)

 Back to the very front pocket, I pulled out my cards, receipts, a safety pin, lots more change, and a little cash.

 Now that everything was cleared out, I put back in what I needed to and put the rest away. Here's what I put back into each pocket. First, I filed the receipts, threw the trash away, and returned my cards to the front pocket (I'm a real adult, y'all-- I have my own Costco card. ;)). I then put all the loose change into our church building fund jar, except for the quarters. Never know when you're going to have to use a parking meter or buy an emergency water from a vending machine. ;)

 I returned to the smallest pocket the best of the bobby pins, the pills, a single lip balm, a lipstick (not the lip liner though) and the nail clippers. I put the rest of the makeup/lip stuff away in my make-up basket. I plan on keeping my The Healthy Farm Girl lip balm in there instead of Burt's Bees Lip Balm when I retrieve it from the car I left it in... :p

In the back pocket I put only a pack of gum. If y'all have brand suggestions, I'm all ears. I'm not a fan of this Wrigley's. :D I threw away the unhealthy hand cream I had in there and will be looking for a purse-friendly natural hand cream. Until then, I'll be using my The Healthy Farm Girl lotion bar! Hopefully a review will be coming soon, because I love and can't wait to rant about it. ;)

To the main pocket, I added back a few things that had migrated away in the last few weeks; a pair of sunglasses, a phone charger, frankincense oil, and the nail file. Since having a pair of sunglasses for each car is a little difficult to keep track of, just keeping a pair in my purse works out well for me. The frankincense oil has been a life-saver as I've had Lymes die-off effects. Rubbing it on my joints where it aches really helps take the pain away for a bit, so that's pretty awesome. It also is great for headaches!

Picking my purse back up, it was so much lighter with hardly anything in it! Minimalism has been more my style lately and the lessened neck strain and thin silhouette is faaaaabulous! Now I can fill it up with receipts and more random junk. :D Oh, just remembered I need to stick my pocket knife back in there, too.

Hoping y'all aren't totally bored by now, lol. What's in your purse that you can't live without? Anything I should think about adding? Are you a big purse lady or a wristlet type of girl? 


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