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Navy Blue + Gold

Hey! Brrrr it's cold here in Tennessee! 

This is what I wore a few Lord's Days ago. I took some cues from the Boyer Sisters and paired simple classics together for a more vintage-y look than I usually go for. 

 Barbie-high pony tales don't go with that look, I know. 

There are so many ways I could have made this outfit better. Nicer hair-do, navy blue shoes, belt, iron my skirt again before pictures... but there are more important things to worry about, so I let it go and put a smile on. My hope with Fresh Modesty is to encourage you to dress well with what's available in the most deliberate way possible, so that you can get on to what's more meaningful in life. 

// outfit details //
Sweater: Ralph Lauren, ThredUP
Skirt: ThredUP
Shoes:, $25 (gift)
Earrings: Gift 
Necklace: Groupon, $9.99
Bracelet: c/o Gracewear Collection

Speaking of meaning, Gracewear Collection sent me this lovely bracelet to review. The design of their collection is very deliberate. This is from their website: 

The mission of Gracewear Collection is to offer a powerful and purposeful Christian lifestyle brand that represents covering women daily in God's protection, mercy, and grace. The Shield of Faith Collection is an beautiful way for women to wear and share their faith- while intentionally putting on the Armor of God for all of life's battles.  
Our vision is to share with women about the gift of God's Grace, and His promise that there is absolutely NO sin- great or small -that His Grace will not cover. God calls us to be ambassadors for Christ and to let His love and light shine through us. Gracewear Collection is based on Ephesians 6: 10-18- and is created to offer HOPE and LIGHT- through the Power of the Shield.
This bracelet is just lovely. It's lightweight, sturdy, and easy to layer. I don't like bracelets that you're constantly aware of; this one is effortless. 

Isn't Gracewear's jewelry just perfect? What jewelry do you reach for when you're going for a simple classic look? 

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