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Simple Saturday

Hey y'all! I just wanted to share the outfit that I'm wearing on this warm, sunny, gorgeous February Saturday afternoon. Is it a fabulous example of high-fashion, class, and/or thought-out mixing/matching? Nope, quite the opposite. 

You may have noticed that I've been doing fewer and fewer "outfit" posts lately. Why? Because in the midst of craziness, sickness, cold weather, and hard work, I've been wearing jeans nearly everyday. Plus it's really hard to get photos before it gets dark outside. :P

But hey, I know y'all are just as busy, stressed, and cold as I am, so I'm going to try to share more of my outfits regularly again. Even if they are just simple jeans and air-dried hair. 

// outfit details //
Jeans: American Eagle brand, ThredUP
Cardigan: Tricot Joli brand, ThredUP
Tank: Forever21: $1.80
Flipflops: Sears? I don't remember
Earrings: Groupon, $10
Hairtie/bracelet: Gift

For days such as today when I have a bunch of piled-up responsibilities to get to, I love long cardigans like this. I can throw it on over a tank on warm days or over a long-sleeved shirt on cold days and it helps keep my jeans modest by covering over my hips.

I'm really thankful for sunny days in the middle of winter like this. I went for a drive with the windows down to dry my hair and I really needed the excuse (flip flops!) to finally paint my toenails again. :D 

Y'all have an awesome day! What's been keeping you busy this week?

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