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Favorite Fall Skirt

Hey y'all! Ah, just realized only 3 posts ago was a church outfit... welp, this is what I have to share so this is what'll be shared today. :D I hate to admit it, but most of my outfits lately have been very non-blogable. Jeans and track jackets with 3-day messy buns and flipflops has been my uniform the last two weeks. I'm getting so much done! Just not looking very fabulous while I do it... :P

I reached for my favorite skirt on Sunday when I realized I had slept in. This is seriously the most amazing skirt from Sweet Salt Clothing. It fits me and my sisters all SO well (we're planning on buying another because we don't want to be without it) and works for so many occasions. It's warm, flattering, easy-to-match, can be dressed up or down, and doesn't need a ton of layering underneath. 

I'm also loving this shirt from Outback Red. It's just so easy and pretty. 
Shirt: ThredUP: Outback Red brand
Earrings: Droplette
Shoes: Walmart (I could have worn flats and just pulled my skirt up higher, but I decided to make it dressier and wore gray pumps)
I wore a great big black floppy hat with this outfit, but my sister said I didn't need to take pictures with it. :P

I've been busy sewing (if you follow me on Instagram you may have a clue as to what it was I was working on) and cleaning out our basement. You know how every family has a junk drawer that has thousands of super random, seemingly could-be-useful-someday items? Well, that's what our 900 square foot basement is like. We haven't been able to be good stewards of what's there because there's just so much stuff, so I made it my mission this week to make a significant dent in clearing it out and purging. It's going so well! 

I was planning on blogging last night, but my Daddy came home from a 3-week trip and brought three of the final Errand #17 skirts from the factory home with him (how convenient that the factory was on his way!) so we had a great family evening being excited together! 

How is your week going? What things are you accomplishing? Any excitements in your life? 

P.S. As much as I'd like to take the time to reply to y'alls great comments on the last post, I'm not going to be able to do that due to really wanting to finish the basement. Thanks for understanding. :)

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