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$20 Modest Outfit Challege

Hey y'all! I hope you've had a wonderful week. Today I'm sharing an outfit I bought for under $20 as part of's challenge!

My sister and I hit Our Thrift Store in Franklin, TN between doctors appointments last week and boy did we score some great pieces! 


While buying them, I didn't expect to wear these two pieces together, but when I went to my closet to find something for this challenge these this shirt and skirt jumped together and I had an outfit in literally 3.5 minutes. 

Although I think lace is super pretty, a lot of these "lace-backed" jackets/shirts I see are super awkward when layered to be modest, so I stay away from them... or I did, until I found this one! The crochet design is tight enough to be modest, but pretty enough to make a gorgeous statement. 

// outfit details //
Wet Seal brand shirt: $4 
Abercrombie and Fitch brand skirt: $3
Forever 21 tank: $1.80
B.O.C. brand sandals from ThredUP: $7.99
Earrings from Walmart (3-pack): $3
Necklace was my great grandmother's.

Grand Total: $19.79

 Thank you, Ashley, for this awesome challenge! It was fun to pull together an outfit and remind myself it's totally possible to be covered, cute, and cost-effective! :)

 photo 20.jpg

How bout y'all? If you had to take a rough guess, what do you think the average total per outfit you wear would be?

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